Call for Presenters
As youth and family service programs continue to grow, there is a rising need for educational workshops aimed at helping agencies and programs increase effectiveness while minimizing costs. To deliver the highest quality sessions possible, Daniel’s conference planning committee continually seeks the perspectives, creativity, experience, and knowledge of experts in our industry.
We invite qualified adults and youth to submit proposals for conference workshop sessions that share innovative systems, policies, and collaborative techniques to raise the quality of services we deliver to the children and families we serve.
Presenters at Daniel’s conferences are required to register for the conference. A primary presenter must be designated in cases where there is more than one presenter. Only the primary presenter will receive a complimentary registration. The primary presenter is responsible for disseminating conference/presentation information to the co-presenter(s).
Secondary presenters will receive a $50.00 discount off of their conference registration fee, (which may be extended to up to three co-presenters). All presenters are responsible for their own hotel and travel expenses.
Workshops can be one and a half hours to three hours in length and may include a broad range of topics. We invite you to submit workshop proposals on:
- Latest research
- Practice excellence
- Organizational leadership
- Legislative initiatives
- Other topics designed to improve outcomes for our children, youth and families
While we encourage presenters to share their new publications, curricula, and other tools, we ask that you refrain from using workshops to “sell” products. Exhibit space is available for those who would like to promote their goods and services.
- Presenters are encouraged to support presentations with handouts and other documents for attendees
- Workshop format should include audience participation and engagement
- Daniel is not able to provide LCDs for Power Point presentations. You may bring your own projector or make arrangements with the hotel for these services at your expense
Selection Process
Workshop proposals will be selected based on their relevance to the field and target audience, ability to address policy/program areas, engaging format, interactive design and originality. Once your proposal submission is received, the Primary Contact Person will receive an email confirmation of receipt. Final selection decisions will be made by the Daniel National Conference Planning Committee. Notification of proposal selection will be sent to the Primary Contact Person via email.