Daniel Kids

Residential Services

Residential Children’s Mental Health Treatment

The Daniel Statewide In-Patient Psychiatric program (SIPP) provides intensive, comprehensive treatment services for children, ages 5-17, who are exhibiting the most severe symptoms of mental and emotional distress. Our holistic approach ensures that each child receives comprehensive care that includes individual, group, and family counseling, and psychiatric treatment using a diverse array of evidenced-based, effective trauma-informed therapeutic modalities. The home-like campus comprises three cottages situated on 10-wooded acres and features a swimming pool, basketball court, and a state-of-the-art education center.

Specialty Services

At Daniel, our treatment is comprised of professionals from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. You will be confident knowing that your child is receiving quality care through our residential program. In addition to family therapy and individual therapy, we offer these specialty services:

  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Sexual Reactive Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Behavior Management Program
  • Sexual Abuse Therapy
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Educational Services
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
  • Independent Living Skills Training
  • Activities Therapy

Contact: For more information regarding this program and how you can obtain help for a child, please contact the Daniel Admissions team at 296-1055 extension 2727, or via email at [email protected].


Q. How does the referral process work?

A. Children must be recommended for inpatient treatment by a Florida licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.  Each child must be approved by their insurance for residential treatment.  Daniel accepts CMS Title 19 and 21 insurance as well as Medicaid.  In specific circumstances, state funding may be available for children with private insurance who are able to demonstrate their insurance does not provide any coverage for residential treatment.  For more details about the referral process please contact our admissions department at [email protected] or at 904-296-1055 ext. 2727.

Q. What is the average length of stay?

The average length of stay for the program averages three to six months.  The length of stay for each child varies based on the child’s progress in the program and the recommendations of the child’s treatment team.

A. Where will my child go to school?

While at SIPP, all residents continue their education by attending school daily. School facilities are located on the Daniel campus and offer specific training in learning strategies in addition to state & county educational requirements. Children are enrolled in a program called “Hospital Homebound”, which allows a child to earn the necessary school credits they need to stay on track with their grade in school.

Q. What happens when my child is ready to return home?

A. Discharge planning begins on the day of admittance.  From the first day forward, development of a discharge plan is ongoing.  Factors influencing the date of discharge are numerous, but the resident’s progress is strongly influential in coordination of discharge. After stabilization is achieved, the resident may be approved for day or overnight passes with family or a potential placement home or caregivers. Any and all visits must be pre-approved and scheduled with the program manager and clinical staff.  These visits allow the child and parent to practice the skills they have learned in residential treatment in the home setting. The clinical team will review the child’s behavior during these passes and work with the child and family on needs identified during these passes.  All families are also provided with a behavioral home life plan to implement during home passes and after discharge.  Prior to discharge, our team ensures the child is set up with community support services such as medication management, therapy, and case management services.  Parents are also provided with a 24 hour support hotline.

Admission Information

Eligible children must:

  • Be between the ages of 5 and 17
  • Reside in Florida 
  • Exhibit symptoms of a severe psychiatric diagnosis, which result in significant impairments in school, family or interpersonal relationships, or pose a threat to themselves or others
  • Have had prior crisis hospitalization or have utilized related community services that have not successfully resolved their symptoms of severe mental and emotional distress
  • Be recommended by a Florida licensed psychiatrist or psychologist for inpatient psychiatric care
  • Be in good medical health
  • Possess age appropriate cognitive abilities

Insurance information

Daniel accepts the following insurances:

  • Sunshine Health Care Plan
  • Magellan Complete Care
  • First Coast Advantage
  • WellCare
  • Children’s Medical Service
  • Children’s Medical Services Title 19 and 21

Contact: For more information regarding this program and how you can obtain help for a child, please contact the Daniel Admissions team at 296-1055 extension 2727, or via email at [email protected].