Advertising in Daniel’s conference program is an excellent way to promote your agency, service, or program to youth welfare workers, agencies and related organizations across the nation. You may also consider purchasing space to congratulate, send well wishes or post memorials to special individuals. Feel free to use any of these suggestions or to take a creative step in a new advertising direction.
The conference program brochure page is 8.5 x 11 inches. Please select from the following options when planning your advertisement.
Advertising Size and Costs
- Full Page (8” x 10”) – $450.00
- Half Page (8” x 5” or 4″ x 11″) – $250.00
- Quarter Page (4” x 5”) – $175.00
- Business Card (4” x 2”) – $125.00
- All ads must be camera-ready to fit the stated specifications and submitted by the print deadline.
- All advertising subject to approval by publisher. (Daniel reserves the right to reject advertising.)
- All cancellations must be in writing. Cancellations received after the reservation deadline will be billed the full amount for the advertisement.
- Advertisers and/or agencies, jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold Daniel harmless from and against any loss, liability, or expense arising out of copying, printing, or publishing of advertisements.
- Program trim size is 8 1/2″ x 11.”
- Program brochure printing will be one color.
- Ads do not bleed.
- Halftones/photographs: Minimum 300 dots per inch (dpi).
- Please submit camera-ready art as laser proofs, photographic paper, or electronic copy.
- Digital artwork must be submitted as a PDF or TIFF or as an EPS with supporting fonts, art, etc.
- Do not send inkjet, photocopies, or faxes as final copy.
- Do not tape, staple, fold, or clip components.
- Advertisements must be pre-paid, received, complete, camera-ready, and postmarked 60 days prior to the selected conference program start date.