Legacy and Planned Gifts
For over 135 years, Daniel Kids has helped tens of thousands of children throughout our community and beyond. Today, our highly qualified staff serves over 5,000 children and families each and every year
Whether it is through our adoption, foster care, independent living, residential treatment, or community mental health programs, Daniel Kids improves the lives of children who, through no fault of their own, face significant barriers to success.
We know that planning your estate and legacy for future generations takes careful evaluation, so please consult your attorney or financial advisor.
Bequest by Will
You can make a charitable gift by designating a percentage or specific dollar amount of your estate to Daniel Kids. This is the most common planned gift and it may provide you with valuable estate tax savings.
Life Insurance
One of the least complicated ways to make a significant contribution is to give a life insurance policy to Daniel Kids. You may do this by donating a policy you no longer need, take out a new policy with Daniel Kids as the beneficiary, or name Daniel Kids as beneficiary of an existing policy. This may provide you with income and tax savings.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock or Real Estate
Do you own stocks, bonds, mutual funds or real estate that have substantially increased over the years? Donating these assets may provide you with an income tax deduction based on the fair market value of the gift and eliminate all capital gains taxes. This would allow you to make a substantially greater gift (typically between 45 – 70 percent) than you would have thought possible for the same out of pocket cost.
Retirement Plans – A Gift to Minimize Estate and Income Tax
You can make a charitable gift by making Daniel Kids the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K) or other retirement plan. This gift avoids estate and income taxation on the assets accumulated tax-free during your lifetime.
Donor Advised Fund
You can establish a Donor Advised Fund now, or you can name the fund as the charitable beneficiary of your will, charitable trust, gift annuity, retirement plan, or insurance policy.
Charitable Gift Annuity – A Guaranteed Income Stream for Life
This will provide you with a fixed income for life while leaving a lasting gift to Daniel Kids. This gift will allow you to receive an income tax deduction in the year you create the annuity. In addition, part of each annuity payment made to you will be tax-free.
Charitable Remainder Trust – A Gift that Helps You Now, and Daniel Kids in the Future
You can transfer the ownership of assets such as securities or real estate and in return receive and immediate charitable income tax deduction and the right to receive income. When the trust ends, the remaining property in trust passes on to Daniel Kids.
Questions: Contact us at [email protected] or 904-296-1055, extension 1031.