Daniel Memorial Institute On-line Independent Living Specialist Certification Course. This 13-module course will provide a comprehensive orientation to those interested in understanding the basics of the independent living field. The course will cover history, goals, service components, relevant research, legislative history, case and agency examples and challenges the field has and will continue to face. Each module will be approximately one hour long including a 10-15 minute post test. Participants will be linked to other resources and relevant information in each module that they can access beyond the basic course content on this website. YOU HAVE 45 DAYS to complete the course. Modules include:
1. History and Purpose of I.L.
2. Positive Youth Development
3. Case Planning with Transitioning Youth
4. Life Skills Assessment & Competency Dev.
5. Housing Options
6. Education and Employment
7. Cultural Competence
8. The Role of Permanency in I.L.
9. Health and Well Being
10. Mental Health
11. Special Populations 1
12. Special Populations 2
13. Evaluation
About the authors Kathi Crowe and Mark Kroner have been involved in the youth work field for over 30 years each. Daniel Memorial chose them to write the curriculum due their consistent involvement in the Independent Living field at the local, state and national levels. Both have also been involved directly with youth in transition during this period of time. Very few in the field have their breadth of experience in this area. (ONCE PURCHASED YOU WILL RECEIVE EMAIL INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO START THE COURSE)